Advantage Membership For the tennis player who values 5-day advance reservation privileges and/or plays frequently. Advantage offers the most privileges. Play more than twice a week or singles once a week? Advantage membership is for you.
- Daily 60 or 90 min court reservation, singles or doubles.
- Originate or join Open Doubles matches with Match Maker Feature.
- 5-day advance court reservation privileges for Advantage, hold up to 5 reservations at any time, 20 per month.
- Reserve through your online account using the Court Reserve app or the Front Desk.
- Advantage reservations Includes weekly evening Adult Activities like BreakPoint & Friday Night Flights.
- Advantage reservations includes City League matches and USTA matches.
- New Advantage Member receives one free 30 min lesson with Pro of your choice (one time only)..
- Low joining fee of $99 per member or $198 per family.
- Month-to-month membership: Pro-rate to start, charge monthly on 1st. May be placed on hold with a $40/month hold fee or canceled at any time.
- Annual membership: One year 365 consecutive days at the price of 11 months, receive 1 month free! No holds allowed on annual memberships.
- Adult Advantage $159/mo - For individual Adult player. Reserve court times ANY available hours, including PEAK times with 5-day advance court reservation, up to 5 reservations per week, singles or doubles, 60 or 90 minutes! Includes evening Adult Activities.
- Family Advantage $299/mo - Receive privileges for a family, up to 2 adult and all kids with same residence, linked accounts, one payment plan. Reserve court times ANY available hours, including PEAK times with 5-day advance, singles or doubles, 60 or 90 minutes! Includes recreational Adult Activities. Family Advantage may convey privileges among the family members, may hold up to 2 advance reservations per day, 40 per month.
- Junior Advantage $119/mo - For individual Junior player up to 18 or 21 with student or military ID. Reserve court times ANY available hours, including PEAK times with 5-day advance court reservation, up to 5 reservations per week, singles or doubles, 60 or 90 minutes! Includes evening Adult Activities with Pro approval..
See abbreviated Court Policies for Advantage Members regarding reservation rules, cancellation, no-show, etc.
See full Member Policies regarding all aspects of membership. Please make any changes to upcoming monthly membership prior to the end of month.
Please come in for a tour, talk to our knowledgeable staff, call us for information at 360-557-7230.
Select and purchase memberships for you and your family online or at the front desk that meet your individual needs.